1. Application of Hydroxyethyl Cellulose
Hydroxyethyl Cellulose is a commonly used multi-purpose polymer compound that can be used in various fields. It is mainly used in the following fields:

1. Cosmetics: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose can thicken, moisturize, emulsify, enhance, stabilize and other functions, and is widely used in various cosmetic products, such as creams, shampoos, lipsticks, etc.

2. Food: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose can thicken and retain water, and is often used in frozen, gel, candy and other foods to improve the texture and taste of food.

3. Medicine: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose can be used as a thickener, emulsifier and stabilizer for various medical products, oral drugs, gel drugs, etc., which can improve the absorption and taste of drugs.

2. How to use Hydroxyethyl Cellulose
1. How to use in cosmetics:

(1) Thickening in emulsion: Add hydroxyethyl cellulose to water, stir well and mix with the oil phase, and then add other ingredients.

(2) Enhancement and emulsification in lipstick: Add hydroxyethyl cellulose to the oil phase, stir well and add other ingredients.

(3) Thickening and moisturizing in shampoo: Add hydroxyethyl cellulose to water, stir well and then add other ingredients.

2. Usage in food:

(1) Thickening and moisture retention in frozen food: Add hydroxyethyl cellulose to food, stir well and keep for a period of time to achieve the effect of thickening and moisture retention.

(2) Thickening and moisture retention in candy: Add hydroxyethyl cellulose to syrup, heat and stir well to achieve the effect of thickening and moisture retention.

3. Usage in medicine:

(1) Thickening and stabilizing in oral medicine: Add hydroxyethyl cellulose to water, stir well and then add the medicine.

(2) Thickening and stabilizing in gel medicine: Add hydroxyethyl cellulose to water, stir well and then add the medicine.

The above are common usage methods of hydroxyethyl cellulose, but the specific usage methods need to be adjusted according to different occasions and products. When using hydroxyethyl cellulose, you need to read the product instructions carefully and strictly follow the instructions.