The uses of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) are as follows:
1. Construction industry: As a water retainer and retarder for cement mortar, it makes the mortar pumpable. As an adhesive in plaster, gypsum, putty powder or other building materials, it improves the spreadability and prolongs the operability time. It is used as a bonding enhancer for pasting tiles, marble, plastic decorations, and can also reduce the amount of cement. The water retention property of HPMC prevents the slurry from cracking due to drying too quickly after application, and enhances the strength after hardening.
2. Ceramic manufacturing industry: It is widely used as an adhesive in the manufacture of ceramic products.
3. Coating industry: As a thickener, dispersant and stabilizer in the coating industry, it has good compatibility in water or organic solvents. As a paint stripper.
4. Ink printing: As a thickener, dispersant and stabilizer in the ink industry, it has good compatibility in water or organic solvents.
5. Plastics: As a molding release agent, softener, lubricant, etc.
6. Polyvinyl chloride: used as dispersant in the production of polyvinyl chloride and is the main auxiliary agent for the preparation of PVC by suspension polymerization.
7. Others: This product is also widely used in leather, paper products, fruit and vegetable preservation, and textile industries.